My 21st 'Kind Of' Anniversaryn
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1998 12:51:51 +0800
From: Alexander Quirante, PMA '72
E-Mail: quiragl@PACIFIC.NET.PH
Location: Metro Manila, Philippines
Subject: My 21st 'Kind of' Anniversary
Dear Fellow Cavaliers,
I wish to inform you that today, 21 April 1998, is my 21st plane crash anniversary and I thank God for steadfastly giving me this opportunity to still roam the earth, share LIFE's best to whoever needs it, and serve Him thru the Catholic charismatic communities I am connected with.
From time to time, people I talked to in the course of my daily transactions would ask me: "What happened to you?" The traces of my 2nd & 3rd degree burns from my waist up to my face and head, would be very noticeable. As if I came from another planet. I would then make an answer that "I survived a plane crash at Mt. Makiling, Laguna, so many years ago and I suffered aviation fuel burns." A brief conversation would then ensue as to how it all happened. Over and over, I would repeat to strangers and new acquaintances, my special story. And I guess, it has somehow dawned upon them the lessons derived from my experience.
The 1st eight years after the accident, I felt the pains and frustrations - physically, psychologically, emotionally, professionally, financially, and spiritually. But within those years, I listened to God and imbibed the Holy Spirit to grant me the gifts. I found solace in His grace and I learned to move on with life with less and less of blaming others for my misfortune.
The roads to a brighter future were full with obstacles, yet God did not abandon me and my family. 21 years have passed since that tragic day, but I lived my new life without regret. I go to hospitals, clinics, care homes and see patients and victims who have met major accidents or incidents. I listen to their stories and problems, share my own experiences, do counselling, and perform spiritual pray overs to whoever needs them. I also do these when requested over the phone and now thru e-mails.
I thank also my wife, Daysin, who has been very supportive of me through thick and thin, ... "for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, ..." God has supplied me with the only wealth I need: my wife and two boys.
I appreciate your moment for reading this message and I hope it has brought some kind of reflection. Warm wishes to you all!
Alexander "Alex" GL Quirante, PMA '72